No members of 'Phenomenally Mo' have returned for this year

From the team behind Phenomenally Pink, we give you Phenomenally Mo for men’s health, Movember

Team Feed

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 00:44:38

Moves de l'année dernière
Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 00:44:38

Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 00:34:59

Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: Je me suis entraîné(e) pendant 00:34:59

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:30:43

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:30:43

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:29:51

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:29:51

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:16:12

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:16:12

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:54:36

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:54:36

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:15:22

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:15:22

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:35:51

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:35:51

Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: J'ai couru 33.37 km05:57:31

Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: J'ai couru 33.37 km05:57:31

Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: J'ai marché 1.26 km00:31:37

Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: J'ai marché 1.26 km00:31:37

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:15:21

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:15:21

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:53:46

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:53:46

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:16:13

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:16:13

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:16:12

Il y a 115 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:16:12

Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: J'ai couru 5.05 km00:30:45

Il y a 115 semaines
Aleli Peña: J'ai couru 5.05 km00:30:45

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:19:38

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:19:38

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:17:55

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:17:55

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:22:11

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:22:11

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:42:41

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:42:41

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:28:10

Il y a 116 semaines
Rebecca Isjwara: J'ai marché 00:28:10

Posts de l'année dernière
Il y a 119 semaines

Movember '22 challenge 4 (26 Nov): to compete in Hybrid Gym's first Movember Mo'down competition. My partner Kate (and fellow MoSister) competed in the athlete category for women's doubles and we won our category.

The fitness competition included: 1) max burpees in 1 minute 2) max deadlift 3x rep weight in 15 minutes 3) Chipper workout to completed as fast as possible.

Thank you to the whole Hybrid community for taking part, to the coaches for hosting and to those non-Hybrid members for coming too for this Movember event. Massive thank you to our prize sponsors at: Nocco, Barebells, Lane Eight, ONLY and Biltong Chief.

Il y a 119 semaines

Movember '22 challenge 3 (20 Nov): compete in the HYROX fitness competition in the women's doubles category. My partner and I, Lucy, competed in this competition and finished in the top 8 for our age category.

HYROX race includes: 1km ski, 50m sled push (75kg), 50m sled pull (50kg), 80m burpee broad jumps, 1km row, 100m lunges (10kg), 200m farmers walk (16kg x 2), 75 wall balls (4kg) and with 1km runs in-between each station.

Thank you Lucy for being my partner for the day! :-)

Il y a 119 semaines

Movember '22 challenge 2 (12 Nov): the complete the HK Coastal Trail (63km) in 12 hours. For this challenge, I completed the trail / hike in 12 hours 37. This included 40 stops and 8 sections around Hong Kong.

Shout-out to: Kate, Emily, Tor, Steve, Charmain, Sarah, Danette, Cole and Matilda for coming out to support this massive hike!

Il y a 119 semaines

Movember '22 challenge 1 (5 Nov): to lift a total weight of 100,000kg in 6 hours. For this Mo' challenge, I completed 100,000kg in 5 hours 30 and in 3,452 reps with the support of MoBro Danny and MoSister Bernie!

Il y a 119 semaines

For my 7th year of Movember, I have been running 7km every weekday. Due to foot injury in the 2nd week, I subbed running for rowing for a few days in preparation for HYROX. By the end of November, I will have MO'ved 154km for men's health.

Dons récoltés l'année dernière
Il y a 123 semaines
Dons de:
Stephen Kwok
Note : Comme les dons peuvent être faits de manière privée, seuls les dons publics apparaissent sur le Mo Space.