Sofia Wolves
4  année  Mo Bro


raised $590 since 2020
Ma motivation

The Sofia Wolves believe in the value of being informed and supportive of one another. Our Movember motivation is the desire to be supportive of the men in our community and raise awareness for the mental and physical issues that many face both here in Sofia and around the world.

0 of 60 kilometres
I'm moving 60km this Movember for the 60 men we lose each hour of every day.
Vos activités

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 26 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter
Dons récoltés l'année dernière
Il y a 26 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter
Il y a 74 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter
Il y a 74 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter
Il y a 78 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter
Il y a 78 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter
Il y a 127 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter
Il y a 127 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter
Il y a 183 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter

I cheated... I started with a moustache.

Il y a 183 semaines
Dons de:
an anonymous supporter

I cheated... I started with a moustache.

Note : Comme les dons peuvent être faits de manière privée, seuls les dons publics apparaissent sur le Mo Space.