Larry Yeung
9  année  Mo Bro


raised $2,736 since 2014
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour des domaines liés à la cause inclut :
Men's health

I've grown my moustache again this year to remind people be aware and take good care of their health condition. Do not hesitate to do a regular check up, build a healthy diet and a good balance of exercise and resting! It’s my pleasure to have your support and feel free to donate my #Movember efforts and help those people in need. STAY HEALTHY!! STAY HAPPY!!!

Fung Group Mo’ Bros
Capitaine de l'équipe Charlotte Lam
$0 Dons récoltés par l’équipe
0 of 60 kilometres
I'm moving 60km this Movember for the 60 men we lose each hour of every day.
Vos activités

Laissez un commentaire à Larry

Previous year's posts
Il y a 7 semaines
Dons de:
Yanice Leung
Dons récoltés l'année dernière
Il y a 7 semaines
Dons de:
Yanice Leung
Il y a 112 semaines
Dons de:
Loz Wong

Nice work mo bro!

Il y a 112 semaines
Dons de:
Loz Wong

Nice work mo bro!

Il y a 113 semaines
Dons de:
Yanice Leung
Il y a 113 semaines
Dons de:
Yanice Leung
Il y a 164 semaines
Dons de:
Jacqueline Lau

happy movember!

Il y a 164 semaines
Dons de:
Jacqueline Lau

happy movember!

Il y a 165 semaines
Dons de:
Yanice Leung
Il y a 165 semaines
Dons de:
Yanice Leung
Il y a 165 semaines
Dons de:
carine chung

The SO must go on! Nice Work, Larry!

Il y a 165 semaines
Dons de:
carine chung

The SO must go on! Nice Work, Larry!

Posts de l'année dernière
Il y a 216 semaines

3 more days to go!!! Do not hesitate if you are yet to support

Il y a 216 semaines

3 more days to go!!! Do not hesitate if you are yet to support

Il y a 218 semaines
Dons de:
Yanice Leung
Il y a 218 semaines
Dons de:
Yanice Leung
Il y a 218 semaines
Dons de:
carine chung

Keep your SOUL growing, Larry!

Il y a 218 semaines
Dons de:
carine chung

Keep your SOUL growing, Larry!

Il y a 268 semaines
Dons de:
Carol Chan

Go Larry!

Il y a 268 semaines
Dons de:
Carol Chan

Go Larry!

Il y a 269 semaines
Dons de:
Jacqueline Lau

Happy Movember!

Il y a 269 semaines
Dons de:
Jacqueline Lau

Happy Movember!

Il y a 269 semaines
Dons de:
Diane Quilindo

Save a bro!

Il y a 269 semaines
Dons de:
Diane Quilindo

Save a bro!

Il y a 272 semaines
Dons de:
Cherie Wong

Add oil Larry!

Il y a 272 semaines
Dons de:
Cherie Wong

Add oil Larry!

Moves de l'année dernière
Il y a 322 semaines
J'ai couru 5 km00:45:00

Note : Comme les dons peuvent être faits de manière privée, seuls les dons publics apparaissent sur le Mo Space.