Prateek Jain
3  año  Mo Bro
Celebrar un evento para Movember


Objetivo: $100
raised $35 since 2017
Mi motivación

I'm raising funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives. Every penny counts. Please donate to support men's health.

Como me
estoy involucrando
$0 Fondos recaudados por el equipo
0 of 60 kilometres
Tus actividades

Deja a Prateek un comentario

Donaciones de años pasados
Previous year's posts
237 Week(s) Ago
Sugosha Ganju

Good work, hooman

237 Week(s) Ago
Sugosha Ganju

Good work, hooman

341 Week(s) Ago
Bhushan Dabir

I hope more men are made aware of the diseases that can affect them and more men are motivated to choose a healthy lifestyle!

341 Week(s) Ago
Bhushan Dabir

I hope more men are made aware of the diseases that can affect them and more men are motivated to choose a healthy lifestyle!

341 Week(s) Ago
Caminé 3.83 km00:43:00

A walk to benefit myself as well my brothers.

Movimientos de años pasados
341 Week(s) Ago
Caminé 3.83 km00:43:00

A walk to benefit myself as well my brothers.

341 Week(s) Ago
Dimpy Naithany
341 Week(s) Ago
Dimpy Naithany
341 Week(s) Ago
Neha Dey

I support this cause as Men's health is not treated with proper attention. Statistics say that 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and is the fifth leading cause of death from Cancer. Early diagnosis is really important and moreover, symptoms should not be ignored.

I understand how this disease can affect the person suffering from this and also the family members.

Donado $10 a #MOmbaikars, que se dividió en partes iguales entre todos los miembros del equipo.

341 Week(s) Ago
Neha Dey

I support this cause as Men's health is not treated with proper attention. Statistics say that 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and is the fifth leading cause of death from Cancer. Early diagnosis is really important and moreover, symptoms should not be ignored.

I understand how this disease can affect the person suffering from this and also the family members.

Donado $10 a #MOmbaikars, que se dividió en partes iguales entre todos los miembros del equipo.

Nota: En la medida que las donaciones se puedan hacer en privado, sólo donaciones públicas serán expuestas en Mo Espacio.