No members of 'Team Jansen' have returned for this year

Team Jansen


Objectif: $85,000
Montant récolté l'année dernière : $77,808

Changer le visage de la santé masculine

0 / 1200 kilometres
Team Feed

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Previous year's posts
Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .14 km00:03:29

Moves de l'année dernière
Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .14 km00:03:29

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .22 km00:08:03

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .22 km00:08:03

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .11 km00:01:05

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .11 km00:01:05

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai couru .04 km00:01:30

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai couru .04 km00:01:30

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai couru .04 km00:01:00

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai couru .04 km00:01:00

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai couru .09 km00:01:30

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai couru .09 km00:01:30

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai couru .09 km00:00:15

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai couru .09 km00:00:15

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .14 km00:02:16

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .14 km00:02:16

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .15 km00:03:00

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .15 km00:03:00

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .13 km00:01:50

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .13 km00:01:50

Il y a 12 semaines
Stephen Leask: J'ai couru .44 km00:04:30

Il y a 12 semaines
Stephen Leask: J'ai couru .44 km00:04:30

Il y a 12 semaines
Stephen Leask: J'ai couru .44 km00:01:33

Il y a 12 semaines
Stephen Leask: J'ai couru .44 km00:01:33

Il y a 12 semaines
Stephen Leask: J'ai couru 10.27 km00:58:36

Il y a 12 semaines
Stephen Leask: J'ai couru 10.27 km00:58:36

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .19 km00:03:52

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .19 km00:03:52

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .39 km00:07:55

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .39 km00:07:55

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .27 km00:04:15

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .27 km00:04:15

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .12 km00:02:00

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .12 km00:02:00

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .14 km00:01:08

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .14 km00:01:08

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .11 km00:00:56

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .11 km00:00:56

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .3 km00:05:00

Il y a 12 semaines
Mikaela Ahloy: J'ai marché .3 km00:05:00

Dons récoltés l'année dernière
Il y a 13 semaines
Dons de:
BHP Dollar Match
Il y a 13 semaines
Dons de:
Ledcor Projects Inc.

Donating on behalf of Ledcor Projects Inc. - Headframe - MOvember Spin-a-thon

Il y a 13 semaines
Dons de:
Samiah Alawi

Maury, client (Darryl Howrish) came into my office begging for Sch-wag. I sold him a XL baseball tee.

Il y a 13 semaines
Dons de:
Leroy Collins

Movember Basket - Leroy Collins

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Bryan Drescher

Bryan drescher winner of the oiler ticket auction

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Georgina Gundrum

‘MOvember basket’

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Chris Perilli

MOvember basket

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
ATCO Frontec Ltd

WFS Recognition Sch-wag

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Ethan Van Cryenest

Movember Basket

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Jason Britton

Movember basket

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Maury Simoneau

Cash donations from Discovery Lodge camp space through the MOnth.

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Samiah Alawi

CLG Square Donation

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Jennifer Peterson
Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Hunter Isaac

MOvember Basket

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Bird Construction Industrial Services Ltd.

Donating on behalf of 2Nations Bird Construction - Site Services contract.

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Jesse Bauman

MOvember basket

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Jennifer Peterson
Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
ATCO Frontec Ltd

1. Movember Cash Donations: $1683.60 2. Movember Interac Donations: $2201
3.Mo-Schwag 2024: $4575.00

Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Peter Hughes
Il y a 14 semaines
Dons de:
Catherine Meikle

MOvember basket

Posts de l'année dernière

Team Jansen - Today only our friends at Pringles®️ are popping in and helping us drive donations further. For each Mo Space donation of $50 or more, Pringles®️ will add an extra $25 up to a maximum of $50,000.
Thanks Pringles®️ for helping us Change the Face of Men’s health. Let’s Mo!

Il y a 65 semaines

This feels wrong ( i look weird) but the conversations this has started is a great thing. Please never stop talking please never stop caring please... NEVER STOP.

Il y a 118 semaines

The 2nd of two Mini-Miners Marathons is complete! It was great to get into the FRESH air and do a 5km rip with these two MOrriors!!

Il y a 119 semaines

Another MOBro getting their annual check-up! Atta boy Scott, good work for getting in and having a strong 2022 campaign!

Team Awesome MOrriors!! As we encroach on the end of the month, please tighten-up your furry masterpieces and send our HNL Rec. Coordinators your MO-Mug Shots - MO-Sistas can partake by getting an Orange MO from the Rec. Office at DL. Thanks!!

Il y a 120 semaines

Awesome work thus far team - we’re on track to achieve our team goals! Keep it up, have the conversations, and let’s finish strong!!

A quick note to our team - we’re off to an awesome start - Thank You!! Keep it up - 20 days to MO!!

Tier 3 of the MOve & MO Your Own Way Challenge:

Tier 1 & 2 + (x5) personal stories from Team Jansen MOvember participants - on ‘Why They MO’

Tier 2 of the MOve & MO Your Own Way Challenge:

Tier 1 + (x10) MO Sistas doing a post to their social media platforms in the month of Movember.

Il y a 123 semaines

How to post your and track your MOvements!

A quick note to our team around one of our campaign initiatives which we’ll need the collective group’s support - The MOve & MO Your Own Way Challenge!

There is $10k available to us if we achieve all 3 tiers, so please start tracking your movements today and as you MO through the month. Have a look at my personal page if you need any help, or see the QRG developed to help!

Il y a 225 semaines

Team Jansen

Here is the BHP Global Leaderboard. As defending Champs let’s work to stay in the Top 5 - this is achievable if we dig-in and get after it. The fundraising is important, but much more important are the conversations had with the men in your life who need a reminder to manage their physical health through annual physicals, and more importantly the support we're providing to anyone needing a listening ear for struggles their facing as a result of the pandemic or their mental wellness in general.

Thanks again, keep MOving strong towards MOvember month end and our finish line.....

MO (Maury)

Il y a 277 semaines

Team Jansen

Here’s a little motivation (and healthy competition) for all of us to dig-in and push hard to the finish line!

BHP Global Page:

12 hairy days left - regardless of where we finish, it’s been an awesome campaign and collective effort by our group.

Keep it up!

Il y a 385 semaines

Let's keep moving up on the leader board team!!!

Note : Comme les dons peuvent être faits de manière privée, seuls les dons publics apparaissent sur le Mo Space.